Recruitment & Onboarding


This fee includes the complete recruitment process for your Impact Assistant. We always aim to provide you with the best suited talent for your firm, so we conduct a rigorous recruiting process to find the right candidate for you.


Applications & Testing
Once we receive the Impact Assistant’s application, they are sent a series of assessments to test the following:
  • Verbal & written English (and Spanish if applicable) skills and competencies
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Sales skills
  • Attention to detail
Once they pass the tests, they will be moved on to the interview process.

When reviewing a candidate’s resume, we ask them to provide specific examples of their experience. Our objective is to understand their strengths and the skills that they believe would enable them to succeed in the role they have applied for.

Basic Training

After the candidate has successfully cleared the initial round of interviews, they are added to our bench and given access to basic training resources. While they are waiting for a placement, the IAs (Impact Assistants) can utilize these basic training modules to enhance their skills:

  • Understanding Conflicts of Interest: The Basics
  • Common Practice Areas of Law
  • Common Terms and Phrases Used in the Legal Industry
  • Best Practices for Client Confidentiality
Pre-Go-Live Process

After signing a contract with Attorney Assistant, you will schedule a pre-go-live (PGL) call with one of our Client Success Leads. During this call, the Client Success Leads (CSL) will gather the following information to ensure a successful match:

  • Information about the firm’s culture
  • The tasks and roles that the client needs filled
  • The client’s goals for hiring an IA
  • The required skills, background, and personality of the IA
  • The languages needed for the IA to speak
  • Schedule/hours needed

This information helps us to find the best possible match for your needs.

Placement Vetting & Interviewing

Once the Pre-Go-Live (PGL) process is completed, the Customer Success Lead (CSL) proceeds to send the necessary criteria to the placement team. The team is responsible for reviewing and interviewing Impact Assistants from our bench to find 2-3 candidates who meet the specified criteria. The CSL then conducts the interviews and selects the candidate who best fits the client’s requirements.


Once an IA (Impact Assistant) has been identified, the Client Success Lead initiates the onboarding process with the IA. During this process, an IA liaison conducts a 2-hour meeting with the IA to discuss the details to ensure the IA is properly onboarded onto our time tracking, payroll and other tools.

Final Training

After successfully onboarding the IA into our payroll system, we pay them to complete ~8 hours of online training. The training is designed to cover various components such as practice area-specific training, role-specific training, sales training, client confidentiality best practices, emotional intelligence training, and self-study on the clients’ tools and software

We are committed to finding you great talent so you can sit back and relax while we handle everything for you.